Saturday, February 9, 2013

PS3 Red Ring Of Death Fix

One night I was so excited to play my PS3. I had just purchased the new Modern Warfare game. I broke the seal and opened the case. There it was. The shining new disc. I felt like a kid at Christmas. I slid the disc in and the PS3 light turned "RED". My jaw dropped. This was not happening to me. Not now. I heard of this happening to other people but I never thought it would have happened to me. But it did. All my precious PS3 would do is turn on and 3 seconds later turn off. I have no technical skill. I didn't want to wait 6 weeks and pay $200 dollars to send it to Sony to fix. I decided to just by a new PS3. I had no other choice. I had to take the hard earned money I was saving up and go buy a new system. It cost me $270 dollars. I gave my brother in law my broken PS3. He followed this link RROD fix please click here. He followed it and told me it was so easy and cheap to do. Here was my broken PS3 but it was no longer broken and working flawlessly. If you have the dreaded PS3 "RROD" don't go out and spend your hard earned money or worse, give Sony more of your money and wait 6 weeks to boot. Please go Click Here! and don't repeat my mistake. You'll be as happy as my Brother in-law. Thanks for reading and happy gaming.
